Committees for Habilitation Proceedings

Pursuant to § 103 (7) Universities Act 2002, the Senate shall appoint collegial bodies with decision-making powers to oversee habilitation procedures. The Senate shall also issue general directives on how habilitation proceedings are to be conducted, in particular regulating the following matters:

► The academic requirements for obtaining a venia docendi, taking subject-specific considerations into account

► The public habilitation lecture that the habilitation candidate is required to deliver in front of the Habilitation Committee and the academic staff members of the department concerned and related departments before being granted the venia docendi

Committees for habilitation proceedings consists of five representatives of the full professors, two representatives of the academic staff pursuant to § 94 (2) item 2 of the Universities Act 2002 and two representatives of the students.

The composition of a habilitation committee depending on the venia (mode of appointment professors) is defined in the practices.

For more information on how to submit a habilitation proposal, please see this link.

Ongoing Habilitation Proceedings

Please find further information on submitting a habilitation application here.