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WU ZBP Career Center

Let’s get that job!

Whether it’s during or after your studies: The WU ZBP Career Center supports students of WU as they start their first internships or full-time positions and helps employers find new employees. The career center sees itself as a strong partner in finding those jobs, equipped with a healthy dose of “pafession”—a blend of “PAssion” and “proFESSION”.

  • Jobs: Internships, part-time jobs, entry-level positions, or jobs for your first career step are being published daily on the job portal at zbp.at. All jobs are exclusively fairly paid positions - because each job has its value!

  • Career events: Internship Day is all about internships and working alongside your studies. Campus Recruiting Day offers the opportunity for job interviews and recruitainments three times a year—right at WU or online. Every fall, up to 150 employers participate in Career Calling. At Lange Nacht der Unternehmen (“Long Night of Companies”) in spring, companies provide insights into their offices and production sites.

  • Employer/applicant community: Find and be found on my.zbp.at. With a profile, students and companies can present themselves. Privacy is very important—everyone decides for themselves what information is shared with the community.

  • Career Q&A: Nothing beats a personal, individual conversation. During CV and document checks as well as counseling sessions, the career center answers all questions regarding job search—no matter how big or small, regardless of where you are in the application process.

  • Information on job application and the job market: The ApplicationWiki offers resources for everything you need to make the application process easier: tips and tricks as well as “how to” videos. The Karrieremagazin, blog.zbp.at, and podcasts also provide information about the job market, job entry, and more.

The WU ZBP Career Center stands for diversity and welcomes everyone: from first semester to the first job change. From start-ups to global players.

Let’s get that job!