Committee for Financial Affairs and Campus Management

Pursuant to Section 9 (1) item e) of the WU By-Laws, WU has established a Committee for Financial Affairs and Campus Management.

The responsibilities of this committee include the following matters:

► Budget-related issues     
► Financing
► Sounding board for Campus Management

The members of the Committee for Financial Affairs and Campus Management simultaneously also form the Budget and Financial Affairs Committee of the WU Foundation.

In this capacity, the committee’s responsibilities include the following matters:

⇒ Right to inspect the WU Foundation’s books and accounting records
⇒ Issuing opinions and recommendations

The Senate Office supports the committee in all of its responsibilities, activities and meetings, it assists the committee chair, and its acts as a liaison between the committee and the Senate or the Senate chair.

The members of the Committee for Financial Affairs and Campus Management have been appointed for the term of office from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2025.


Meetings of the Committee for Financial Affairs, Campus Management, and Digitalization follow a fixed meeting schedule and are held one time per semester. If necessary, a special meeting can be convened at any time.


For more information on the work of Committees please see the document below:

Information for Members in Senate committees

If you have any questions regarding the Committee for Financial Affairs, Campus Management, and Digitalization, please contact Ms Lea Nidetzky (tel.: 01 31336 ext. 4592 or by email) or Ms Doris Binderbauer (tel.: 01 31336 ext. 5047 or by email).