Representations of the WU Professors

The Membership Association of WU Full Professors (Verband der Universitätsprofessor*innen)

The mission of the Membership Association of WU Full Professors is pursuing and promoting the economic, social, and cultural interests of WU’s full professors. It was founded in 1964 in the form of an association, for the purpose of expanding the activities for representing the interests of the full professors beyond the scope of the tasks assigned to the Full Professors’ Association under the university’s by-laws. The Membership Association is politically independent, and its statutes define its organizational structure and the scope of its activities.

All members of the Full Professors’ Association can join the Membership Association of WU Full Professors by submitting a written membership request.

The annual membership fee currently amounts to € 70. The income from the membership fees is used, among other things, to endow the Stephan Koren Prize, which is awarded to honor outstanding doctoral dissertations at WU, and for networking activities in the UPV (The Austrian Association of Full Professors), which are aimed at representing the interests of WU’s full professors at the national level.

Currently, more than one hundred WU professors are members of the Membership Association. This strong membership base makes it possible to carry out high-impact representation activities that go beyond the capabilities of the Full Professors’ Association.

The Membership Association of WU Full Professors holds a general assembly once a year. During the general assembly, members are informed about the year-end financial statement and the results of the annual financial review, among other things. Every three years, a vote is held to elect the Membership Association’s official bodies. In its June 2022 general assembly, the Membership Association of WU Full Professors elected its board for the term of office from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2025.