Representations of the WU Professors

Stephan Koren Award

The deadline for applications for the Stephan Koren-Prize 2024 was 31.03.2024.

The call for applications for the Stephan Koren-Prize 2025 will be published in January 2025.

Background information

Each year, the Full Professors’ Association of the Vienna University of Economics and Business awards the Stephan Koren-Prize in the course of an academic ceremony.

The purpose of this award is to support the new generation of academics at Vienna University of Economics and Business. It is awarded to doctoral candidates who, on the basis of their dissertation and their entire course of studies, have made a contribution to maintaining the high reputation of dissertations prepared at Vienna University of Economics and Business.

  • Amount Maximum: € 10.000,- (the prize can also be shared if there are several equal prize winners)

  • All graduates who completed their doctoral studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business in the last calendar year with a dissertation graded as “excellent” (“sehr gut”) are invited to participate.


Applications must be submitted together with the dissertation, the evaluation sheet for the dissertation (“Beurteilungsprotokoll”), the appraisals by the examiners of the dissertation, the CV and also a list of publications (works that have been published or submitted for publication) related to the dissertation project.

Please send your complete application documents and any questions regarding your application electronically to Mrs Kristina Reinhart (Office of the Senate,