Representations of the WU Professors

Collaborating in the UPV Association as a delegate from WU

The Membership Association of WU Full Professors sends four delegates to the UPV (The Austrian Association of Full Professors). The UPV’s activities include the following:

  • Discussing topics that relate to, influence, and impact the Austrian university landscape in general.

  • Tracking, distributing, and discussing draft legislation directly related to the work of Austria’s universities.

  • Participating in the trilateral meetings of the three German-speaking university faculty associations (Deutscher Hochschulverband, DHV / Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden, VSH / Österreichischer Universitätsprofessor*innenverband, UPV) that are held on a regular basis. At these meetings, current key topics in research, teaching, and university self-governance are discussed from a transnational perspective.

  • Engaging in discussions with the science and research policy leads of the governing parties and with the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research.

The current delegates of the Membership Association of WU Full Professors to the UPV are:

Univ.Prof. Tina Wakolbinger, Ph.D.
Univ.Prof. Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gerald Reiner