Representations of the WU Professors

Full Professors’ Association (according to WU By-Laws)

The composition of the Full Professors’ Association (Kurie der Universitätsprofessor*innen) is specified in § 56 of the WU By-Laws. In principle, the following groups of faculty members form part of the Full Professors’ Association:

  • The full professors appointed pursuant to § 98 of the Universities Act 2002 (UG 2002)

  • The full professors appointed for a term of over two years pursuant to § 99 of the Universities Act

The Full Professors’ Association holds six meetings per year, which are chaired by the spokesperson of the Full Professors’ Association, who is elected from among the group of full professors. The meeting invitations are sent out by email and include information about the planned agenda.

  • The members of the Rector’s Council also participate in the meetings of the Full Professors’ Association to report on their current activities.

  • Important topics of the day are discussed in-depth as special agenda items.

  • During the meetings, members are also appointed to serve as representatives of the full professors on Search Committees or Habilitation Committees.

  • The Full Professors’ Association also appoints full professors’ representatives to serve a term of office on Senate committees.

  • In some cases, additional talks may be held following a Full Professors’ Association meeting to discuss selected current topics.