3rd Convention for Didactics of Business Education

Please note that despite the translations, all or most of the material mentioned on this page is only available in German.
Slogan and Program of the 3rd Convention for Didactics of Business Education

Ways and Aberrations of modern Accounting Didactics: Subject-specific didactical Challenges for modern Accounting Classes

Program of the 3rd Viennese Convention for Didactics of Business Education on November 9, 2012

Conference Material

Accounting: What is the Essence of Accounting?

Mag. Ingrid Dobrovits and Dr. Kerstin Konczer

Bookkeeping - A Piece of Cake?!

Mag. Ingrid Dobrovits and Mag. Sandra Trinko

Skills Acquisition through a complex dynamic Business Game

Dr. Richard Fortmüller and Dr. Gerhard Geissler

One Man's Joy is another Man's Sorrow! Why in the Subject Area Cost Accounting both - the Examinee and the Examiner - are never satisfied

Mag. Birgit Gatterer

A Look into Practice - Results of an empirical Study on Posting Practice in Standard Accounting Transactions

FH-Doz. MMag. Dr. Stefan Grbenic

SCHOOL meets Economy - School Pilot Project: Handelsschule [Commercial High School] with integrated Work Placement as a Traineeship

Prof. FOL Birgit Kaim

Bookkeeping: once learned - always available?

Dr. Kerstin Konczer

Tax Law Training at Higher-level Vocational Schools - Imparting Knowledge and/or Values?

Prof Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Lang

The Merchant of Venice - Learning Accounting in a Skills-oriented Way, learning Accounting in a Brain-friendly Way, getting to the Roots

Mag. Gerhard Pflügelmayr

Why are Balance Sheets always wrong? And why you cannot calculate the Cost of a VW Up? Understanding or Automating in Accounting?

em. o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schneider

Cash Basis Accounting in the HAS neu (new Commercial High School) "from Fringe to Highlight Area"

Mag. Christa Kahr and Mag. Angelika Urbanek

The neue Handelsschule (new Commercial High School) torn between Curriculum, Didactics, Diversity and practical Implementation at HAS Neunkirchen

Mag. Wolfgang Ferstl, OStR. Prof. Mag. Anton Posch, Mag. Silvia Schandegger and OStR Mag. Johann Wiedner