1st Convention for Didactics of Business Education

Please note that despite the translations, all or most of the material mentioned on this page is only available in German.
Slogan and Program of the 1st Convention for Didactics of Business Education

Economic Thinking and Acting through Networking, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship

Program of the 1st Viennese Convention for Didactics of Business Education on November 7, 2008

Conference and Subject-specific Teaching Material

The new St. Gallen Management Concept - Theoretical Orientation Framework for an Interconnected, Holistic and Future-oriented Business Administration?

em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rolf Dubs

Understanding Economic Interrelationships - A Plea for Interconnected and Problem-oriented Critical Thinking Illustrated by Current Developments on the International Financial Market

Mag. Dr. Stephan Schulmeister

A Didactic Foray through selected Business Administration Topics

Mag. Gerhard Geissler, MSc. and Mag. Gottfried Kögler

Poor Cousin Cash Basis Accounting?!

Mag.a Ingrid Dobrovits and Dr.in Christine Steiger

Teaching Current Economic Topics in a Student-friendly Way

Mag. Gottfried Kögler

What is the Business Part in Business Informatics? Concrete Examples to be used in the Classroom

Mag. Rainer Baier