Financial Literacy Coaches in Schools

Since its formation, the promotion of financial education has been one of the core tasks of the Institute for Business Education at WU Vienna. This is why the financial education of students is particularly important to the Institute for Business Education.

Numerous projects, publications, speeches/lectures and cooperations of the institute are dedicated to researching and strengthening financial education of this target group. As part of a more recent initiative, financial literacy coaches are available to promote financial education in (Viennese) schools.

What is a Financial Literacy Coach?

Financial Literacy Coaches are about to graduate from WU Vienna with a degree in Business Education and have attended a number of additional courses on financial education while studying at WU.

At the request of a school, they prepare a teaching concept on specific financial education topics and also (depending on availability) come to the school to teach the class.

Which Topics/Subject Areas can be requested?

The following graphic provides an overview of the range of possible financial education topics that can be didactically prepared and taught in class by our coaches:

Viennese Model of Financial Literacy

What is the Purpose of engaging Financial Literacy Coaches?

The primary goal is the best possible promotion of financial education for students at lower and upper secondary schools. When developing teaching concepts, individual conditions of the class and the students can also be taken into account. The focus of our initiative is always on subject-specific didactics and target group-appropriate preparation as well as product-neutral teaching of financial education topics.

Availability of Financial Literacy Coaches

In general, we can take on a maximum of 2 workshops per semester per school.

Due to the luckily high demand in the winter semester 2024/25 and also already for the summer semester 2025, we are trying out best to answer your request. However, we cannot guarantee that a workshop can be held this semester.

How to request Financial Literacy Coaches?

You can use the following form (for now in German only) to request a workshop from the WU Center for Financial Education:

Geben Sie hier bitte Ihren Namen (Lehrperson) ein.
Geben Sie bitte eine eMail-Adresse an, unter der wir Kontakt mit Ihnen aufnehmen können.
Geben Sie hier bitte eine Telefonnummer an, damit wir bei Bedarf Kontakt mit Ihnen aufnehmen können.
Geben Sie hier bitte die Bezeichnung Ihrer Schule ein.
Geben Sie hier bitte die Bezeichnung der Klasse bzw. der Jahrgangsstufe ein. Es können max. 2 Klassen pro Schule und Semester berücksichtigt werden. Für größere Anfragen schreiben Sie uns bitte ein eMail an
Gewünschtes Format
Sehen Sie sich dazu die Themengebiete zur Finanzbildung in der Abbildung oben an.
Es wird ein Stundenausmaß von zwei bis max. vier Unterrichtseinheiten empfohlen.
Geben Sie hier einen Zeitraum ein, in dem der Unterricht mit unseren Finanzbildungcoaches stattfinden kann.
Geben Sie hier ein, was Sie uns zu Ihrer Anfrage noch mitteilen möchten.

* Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Where can you find Material for Financial Education Classes?

Under this link to the FinE-Toolbox on Dropbox you will find elaborated financial education materials for secondary level I and II. You can use these yourself or send a request to our Financial Literacy Coaches using the form above.

If you have any questions about our offer or require further information, please send us an eMail with the subject "Financial Literacy Coach" to