4th Convention for Didactics of Business Education

Please note that despite the translations, all or most of the material mentioned on this page is only available in German.
Slogan and Program of the 4th Convention for Didactics of Business Education

Education about economic Interrelationships through professional Economic Didactics to foster Civil Society

Program of the 4th Viennese Convention for Didactics of Business Education on November 21, 2014

Conference Material

Prerequisites for professional Education of High School Students about economic Interrelationships

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Josef Aff

The Interest-Growth Differential and the Dynamics of Financial Assets

Josef Anibas and Felix Götzendorfer

Entrepreneurship Education as a Contribution to Fostering Civil Society

Dr. Richard Fortmüller and Dr. Gerhard Geissler

Financial Literacy as reflected in empirical Findings

ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Bettina Fuhrmann

Didactic Considerations on the Implementation of Stephan Schulmeister's Theses in the Classroom with particular Consideration of the Staging Technique "Cartoon/Caricature"

Mag. Gottfried Kögler

Financial Market Crises and their Consequences - Assessment, Outlook, Counter-Strategies

Mag. Dr. Stephan Schulmeister

Market Myth - The Importance of Narratives and discursive Networks

Professor Dr. Walter O. Ötsch

Comprehensible Explanations in Didactics of Business Education - a Heuristic

Dr. Christiane Schopf and Andrea Zwischenbrugger, MSc. (WU)