Focal Point Economic Education
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Numerous projects, publications, lectures and cooperations of the Institute for Business Education are dedicated to the promotion of economic education (including financial education). Here is a selection of more recent work.
Please also pay attention to the activities of the WU Center for Financial Education.
(Educational) Projects and Working Groups
OngoingIm Rahmen der Nationalen Finanzbildungsstrategie Erarbeitung der Inhalte für in Zusammenarbeit mit dem BMF und der OeNB
Erster Finanzbildungspreis mit der Erste Group/Erste Stiftung KARDEA
Initiatorin des WU Research Talent Award zur Prämierung von Diplomarbeiten (BHS) und Vorwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (AHS) zu geld- und finanzwirtschaftlichen Themen
Kooperationsvereinbarung mit der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank zur Zusammenarbeit in der Finanzbildung in den Bereichen Forschung, Lehre, Bewusstseinsbildung und Veranstaltungen
Projekt Finanzvifzack für das Bundesministerium für Finanzen
Lehrveranstaltung Wirtschaftspädagogik II seit 2014 mit dem Schwerpunkt Finanzbildung
Leitung der Arbeitsgruppe Finanzielle Bildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ökonomische Bildung
Vortragstätigkeit für das Joint Vienna Institute im Programm „Financial Education“
Speaking Engagements on Economic and Financial Education
OngoingFuhrmann, Bettina, Grohs-Müller, Stefan. 2019. Die Bedeutung von Finanzbildung für die Konsumentscheidungen von Jugendlichen. Jahrestagung 2019 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ökonomische Bildung, Dortmund, Deutschland, 25.02.-27.02.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2019. Why Wait? Über die Bedeutung des Belohnungsaufschubs bei ökonomischen Entscheidungen. 13. Österreichischer Wirtschaftspädagogikkongress, Innsbruck, Österreich, 17.05.2019. Invited Talk
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2018. Financial Literacy Of The Youth - Experiences, Preconceptions, Attitudes And Behaviour. EDULEARN2018, Palma, Spanien, 02.07.-04.07.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2018. Finanzbildungsforschung in den letzten 20 Jahren – eine Tour d’Horizon. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe Finanzielle Bildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für ökonomische Bildung, Hamburg, Österreich, 15.11.-16.11.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2018. Ist es (un)möglich, finanziell gebildet zu sein? 12. Österreichischer Wirtschaftspädagogik-Kongress, Wien, Österreich, 26.04.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2018. Kann man finanziell gebildet sein? Und wenn ja, wie? Brückenkolloquium an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Deutschland, 18.04.
Grohs-Müller, Stefan, Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2018. Zum Zusammenhang von Lernerfahrungen, Einstellungen zu Geld und dem Konsumverhalten von Jugendlichen. 6. Wiener Wirtschaftsdidaktik-Kongress, Österreichische Nationalbank, Österreich, 02.03.2018.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2017. Can we rely on parents to teach financial literacy? 12th International Conference of the Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET 2017), Oxford, Großbritannien, 07.07.-09.07.
Fuhrmann, Bettina, Silgoner, Maria, Cechovsky, Nora, Riess, Julia. 2017. Do Women Need Special Attention in Financial Education? London International Conference in Education, Cambridge, Großbritannien, 11.12.2017.
Riess, Julia, Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2017. Financial Literacy of Employees and Entrepreneurs. A Gap Analysis Based on the Perspective of the European Business and Finance Community. 12th International Conference of the Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET 2017), Oxford, Großbritannien, 07.07.-09.07.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2017. Finanzbildung in Österreich. 11. Österreichischer Wirtschaftspädagogikkongress, Graz, Österreich, 20.04.-21.04. Invited Talk
Harley, Karina, Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2017. In the nick of time: the effect of a "just in time" financial education intervention for Australian adults. 12th International Conference of the Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET 2017), Oxford, Großbritannien, 07.07.-09.07.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2017. Was in internationalen Studien zur Financial Literacy (nicht) gemessen wird. Interdisziplinärer Workshop zur Finanziellen Bildung, Hamburg, Deutschland, 07.12.-08.12.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2016. "Wenn ich an Wirtschafts denke ..." - was Jugendliche über Wirtschaft wissen und denken. 10. österreichischer Wirtschaftspädagogik-Kongress, Linz, Österreich, 15.04.-15.04.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2016. Are Austrian Students at the Lower Secondary Level Entrepreneurial Thinkers? 88th International SIEC ISBE Conference Entrepreneurship Education – Regional and International, Graz, Österreich, 01.08.-05.08.
Fuhrmann, Bettina, Silgoner, Maria. 2016. Closing the Gender Gap in Financial Literacy. ECER 2016 Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, Dublin, Irland, 23.08.-26.08.
Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2016. Die Vorstellungen von Jugendlichen zu Wirtschaft und Geld - Implikationen für die Entrepreneurship Erziehung. 5. Wiener Wirtschaftsdidaktikkongress, Wien, Österreich, 26.02.
Fuhrmann, Bettina, Rumpold, Herwig, Loerwald, Dirk. 2016. Economic Literacy as a Basis for Political education - conceptual considerations and Empirical Results. 5th EARLI SIG 13 Moral and Democratic Education Conference, Salzburg, Österreich, 06.07.-09.07.
OngoingWU Research Talent Award in Cooperation with OeNB
Financial Education for Apprentices
2024 - 2027The project Financial Education for Apprentices under the project head Bettina Fuhrmann is in its initial stages. (Status: 22.10.2024)
Financial Literacy Coaches +
2022 - ....Financial Literacy Coaches are about to graduate from WU Vienna with a degree in Business Education and have attended a number of additional courses on financial education while studying at WU.
At the request of a school, they prepare a teaching concept on specific financial education topics and also (depending on availability) come to the school to teach the class.
Erasmus+ Project: FLIP - Financial Literacy International Platform
2019 - 2021The main goal of FLIP is to establish an efficient and sustainable model of financial education through development and implementation of the Financial Literacy course at the participating universities. This will ensure a regular flow of students who will be educated to deliver financial education to disadvantaged citizens.
University students are multipliers who can reach and spread acquired knowledge further among their families, acquaintances, community, and other citizens in their natural social environment which will significantly contribute to positive change in their financial behavior.
Erasmus+ Project Partners
NAINA Studies – Ideas about Economy and Economic Education
2017 - 2022This project investigated what ideas young people have about the economy and their economic classes. In addition, the connection between young people's economic knowledge and their propensity to start a business was investigated.
Project staff: Julia Riess
Supported with funds from the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank
Economic Competencies in Austria
2018 - 2021Investigation into the economic knowledge and understanding of economic interrelationships, interests and attitudes after the Matura and Reife- und Diplomprüfung, respectively.
Project staff: Shireen Sarwari
Supported with funds from the B&C Private Foundation
Tax Literacy and Tax Compliance
2017 - 2020Two research projects investigated the relationship between tax knowledge, attitudes towards taxes and tax compliance. This included the evaluation of digital learning content on tax education with regard to learning effectiveness, attitudes and tax compliance.
Project staff: Nora Cechovsky and Michael Posch
Partly funded by the Joachim Herz Foundation
Journal article
2018 | Posch, Michael, Aflenzer, Birgit. 2018. Die Förderung von Tax Literacy als Beitrag zur ökonomischen Bildung von Schüler/innen – Erste Einblicke in ein Projekt der WU Wien und der Joachim Herz Stiftung. Read more |
Research report, expert opinion
2020 | Fuhrmann, Bettina, Posch, Michael. 2020. Förderung der Tax Literacy und Tax Compliance von Schüler/innen – Das Steuersystem erklären und die Steuerehrlichkeit fördern. Read more |
Conference poster
2021 | Posch, Michael. 2021. The role of tax literacy in contributing to sustainability. Read more |
2018 | Posch, Michael. 2018. Die Förderung von Tax Literacy als Beitrag zur Wirtschafts- und Verbraucher/innenbildung - Erste Einblicke in ein Projekt der WU Wien und der Joachim Herz Stiftung. Read more |
2018 | Posch, Michael. 2018. Das Steuersystem erklären und die Steuerehrlichkeit fördern - Erste Einblicke in ein Projekt der WU Wien und der Joachim Herz Stiftung. Read more |
Financial Education in Austria
2016 - 2019A sub-working group of INFE, in cooperation with OeNB, published a catalogue of “core competencies” in financial literacy of adolescents, defining which knowledge and skills in financial issues children and adolescents should present at different age levels. This is a study (FinCCA – Financial Core Competencies in Austria) on the OECD Core Competences for Financial Literacy of young people and the extent to which they are covered by curricula and textbooks for Austrian compulsory schools.
Project staff: Julia Riess
Project in cooperation with the University of Graz and the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Funded with higher education structural funds from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Economic Education in Austria
2016 - 2019Economic Education from the Perspective of AHS Students
This project focused on the question to what extent high school students (upper level of AHS) feel empowered to actively determine their lives in terms of the objectives of economic education beyond the protected sphere of their schools.
Project staff: Julia RIESS (as Julia SZONCSITZ)
High School Students and their Attitudes towards Money
2015 - 2018This is a study on the relationship between financial education, attitudes towards money and behavior in financially relevant situations (consuming, saving and borrowing money). The objective of the research project is the empirical investigation of the handling of money and the financial environment of high school students at the end of lower secondary school.
Project staff: Stefan Grohs-Müller
Funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Economic Literacy in 8th Grade
2015 - 2018This is a study on economic knowledge, attitudes and interests of high school students at the end of lower secondary school. The aim of the project is to develop a survey instrument for economic knowledge, attitudes towards the economic system and interest in economics.
Project staff: Herwig Rumpold
Pretest supported with funds from the Austrian Economic Chambers
Research report, expert opinion
Measuring Financial Literacy
2015 - 2017Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Analyse der Österreich-Daten aus der internationalen OECD-Measuring Financial Literacy Studie im Hinblick auf Finanzwissen, Einstellungen zu Geld und Verhaltensweisen von Erwachsenen in finanziell relevanten Situationen gemeinsam Expertinnen und Experten der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank.
Financial Literacy - from the Perspective of Executives
2015Being in the focus of policy, education and research, the relevance of financial matters has given rise to increased national, international and supranational initiatives promoting financial literacy. Here, the Institute for Business Education was part of a Europe-wide study on the financial education of self-employed and employed working people in Europe from the perspective of managers in European companies.
Project statt: Julia Riess
Funded by Junior Achievement Europe
Research report, expert opinion
2016 | Riess, Julia, Fuhrmann, Bettina. 2016. Sharpening Financial Education. How the right partnerships can hone the skills of tomorrow's entrepreneurs and employees. Read more |