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Center for Financial EducationRSS

Wie investiert Österreich? || How does Austria invest?

WU matters. WU talks. - How does Austria invest? April 2, 2025

By international standards, Austria is still a country where people save a lot but invest little in securities. Why is that?

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The WU Center for Financial Education was inaugurated on September 12, 2023.

At the center, we pool various research and teaching projects in order to promote financial education. We work in interdisciplinary teams with member of other institutes of the University of Economics and Business (WU), as well as many national and international organizations.

Impressions of our opening ceremony can be found under Events >> Inauguration.

Among the most important topics in financial education are
Viennese Model of Financial Literacy

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Our range of financial education initiatives is constantly expanding. Our most significant initiatives* to date are

* In German only

Picture representing Financial Literacy Coaches with a piggy bank and 3 coin stacks
Financial Literacy Coaches

The promotion of financial literacy is very important to the Institute for Business Education. Therefore, we train our students to become financial literacy coaches. On inquiry of schools, these coaches prepare a teaching concept for the requested financial education topic and also come to the school to hold these lessons.

The financial literacy coaches are among the Top 6 education projects of the MEGA Million for Education 2023!

Didactic Series Let's talk about money
Didactic series Let's talk about money

In cooperation with the Financial Market Authority (FMA), we provide schools, teachers and other interested people with didactic Powerpoint presentations for direct use in the classroom or wherever financial education is to be promoted. Our didactic series on financial education Let's talk about money (Reden wir über Geld) is to be published about 6 times a year.

Abbildungs zu Moneywise mit fünf Münzstapeln

MoneywiseWU is based on a textbook chapter from Das Betriebswirtschaftsbuch für Fachschulen FW2 (kindly released by Jugend&Volk-Verlag) and is set to promote the financial literacy of young people through factual information and many application-oriented tasks, as well as links to WU learnpublic videos.

WU OeNB Research Talent Award - Urkunden
WU OeNB Research Talent Award

With the

WU OeNB Research Talent Award*

we strongly encourage highschool students to exlore monetary and financial issues.

Highschool students and highschool graduates who have written outstanding pre-scientific papers or diploma theses on a monetary or financial topic can submit their papers. These are then reviewed and assessed by a specialist jury. The best students/graduates are awarded for their achievements.

* In German only