1st Business Education Convention

Please note that despite the translations, all or most of the material mentioned on this page is only available in German.
Slogan and Program

Under the slogan Dialog Science - Pratice in Business Education, the Institute for Business Education at, on behalf of all the Austrian Business Education locations invited to attend the

1st Austrian Business Education Convention

Time: Friday, May 4, 2007 from 9.30 a. m. - 6.00 p. m.

Place: WU Wien, Augasse 2 - 6, 1090 Vienna

Program of the 1st Austrian Business Education Convention on May 4, 2007

Conference Material

The focus of the morning was on the topic Challenges of modern Teacher Training. There were several keynote speeches on this topic.

The afternoon program took place in three tracks on specific topics. Presentations and subsequent discussions on current issues were organized by staff members from all Austrian BE locations.


Professional Competence Development in the Learning Location Network

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Annette Ostendorf

Possibilities and Limits of Personality Development in Teacher Training

A. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Hans Neuweg

Lines of Development in Business Education in the 21st Century

A.o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michaela Stock

How to design professional Business Education Teacher Training? - Reflections on a Reform Concept in the Context of conflicting Demands

Univ. Prof. Dr. Josef Aff
Afternoon - Track 1

Skill and Will - pedagogically significant Differences between two Dimensions of professional Competence

ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Fortmüller

Fostering social-communicative Action in the Linz Business Education Program

Dr. Günter Knoll and Mag. Roswitha Mayr

If you can't measure it, you can't manage it? – On the Measurability of Social Skills and their further Development

ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Bettina Fuhrmann

Fostering intercultural Skills at Austrian Vocational Business Schools - Didactic Possibilities and Limitations

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Annette Ostendorf
Afternoon - Track 2

Education for a globalized World - Are Austrian Schools keeping Pace with the Internationalization of the Austrian Economy?

Mag. Kurt Schmid

Business Education Studies at the University of Graz - Development Trends from a Subject-specific Didactical Perspective

Prof. MMag. Werner Seebacher

Career Paths of Business Education Graduates from Vienna and Graz

Mag. Dr. Erich Hauer and A.o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michaela Stock

The Importance of Research methodological Skills for the professional Activities of Teachers at Vocational Business Schools from the Perspective of Students

Mag. Dr. Markus Ammann and Dipl.-Hdl. Michael Thoma
Afternoon - Track 3

The Ability to perform professionally as a essential Competence in Eduation at BMHS using the Example of the Practice Enterprise

Mag. Elisabeth Riebenbauer and A.o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michaela Stock

The Learning Diary as an Instrument for Fostering reflective Competence

Mag. Bettina Dimai and Dr. Heike Welte

Strategic Implementation of New Media in Teaching at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz

MMag. DDr. Friedrich Sporis

It's not always the High School Students' Fault - Weaknesses of Traditional Accounting Didactics

MMag. Judith Frei

Problem-based Approach and Subject-specific Systematics - a Contradiction? Financial Accounting I at WU Wien

Dr. Christine Steiger and Mag. Ingrid Dobrovits
Additional Conference Material

Cooperation BE WU - LMS Burgenland: 1 + 1 = 3

Mag. Rainer Baier

eLearning in Burgenland - eLIB + LMS – Lernen Mit System

Mag. Christian Fuchs and Mag. Dr. Herbert Gabriel