Academic Staff Council

Remuneration for external lecturers finally increased!


Anyone working as an external lecturer at WU can do so on the basis of an employment contract or a freelance service contract. The decisive factor is whether, in addition to teaching at WU, you have another gainful employment that generates an income of at least 60% of the maximum contribution base according to ASVG. Only those who reach or exceed this income threshold may be employed as an external lecturer on the basis of a freelance service contract (cf. § 100 para. 4 no. 3 Universities Act)

In contrast to external lecturers with an employment contract, external lecturers with a freelance service contract are not subject to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff. As a result, the remuneration for these external lecturers has not been valorized for many years. At the beginning of the coming summer semester, however, there will finally be a 15% increase in remuneration for freelance staff, which the Academic Staff Council has been calling for a long time. Instead of the previous € 1,435.30 per semester (basically divided into six equal monthly salaries), € 1,650.50 per semester will now be due for a credit hour of teaching. Even if this does not fully compensate for the inflation of recent years, this increase can still be seen as a sign of appreciation for these lecturers, who are indispensable in many areas of teaching at WU.


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