Academic Staff Council

Cultural and social offerings of the Academic Staff Council in 2025


With the start of the summer semester, we would like to draw your attention to the numerous events and activities that the Academic Staff Council has organized together with the Administrative Staff Council for the year 2025. With this bundled announcement of the various dates, we hope to make it easier for as many employees as possible to participate in one or more events.

On Thursday, May 8th, 2025, the two Staff Council groups invite you to guided tours of the Haus der Geschichte (House of Austrian History). A focus tour in German on the topic "Demokratie in Bedrängnis" starts at 4 pm and another focus tour in English entitled "This is Austria. An Introduction to Austrian History for Beginners" starts at 5 pm. The guided tours will each last around 1.5 hours. The House of Austrian History will be open until 9 pm on this day and can be explored afterwards. Registration details will follow soon.

On Tuesday, June 17th, 2025 a guided tour (in German) through the Pratermuseum is on the program. The tour starts at 4:30 pm and lasts approximately one hour. The Prater Museum offers exciting insights into the history of the entire Prater area and the “Wurstelprater”. Registration details will follow at a later date.

For Friday, 19 September 2025, the Academic Staff Council together with the Administrative Staff Council have organized a Third Man Tour. A tour in English starts at 3 pm and another tour in German starts at 4 pm. During the guided tours, each lasting just under an hour, there will be exciting insights into the sewer system of the City of Vienna, which became famous by the movie “The Third Man”. Registration details will follow in the course of the summer.

Furthermore, this year there will be a WU-wide joint Christmas party for academic and administrative staff, organized by the two Staff Councils. This party has already been a long-standing practice for administrative staff. On behalf of the Academic Staff Council, we are pleased to invite the scientific faculty to this atmospheric celebration for the first time this year. On Thursday, December 18th, 2025, all WU employees can celebrate together in the afternoon in Ceremonial Hall 1. Registration is not required.

Finally, we would also like to point out a few very special “internal” WU dates:

The general staff assembly for academic staff will take place this year on Thursday, June 5th from 9:30 am in conference room 1. We will report on the activities of the Academic Staff Council since the last general staff assembly in 2024 and give an outlook on what the current Staff Council has planned for the last six months of the expiring staff council period. We will again address one or more current topics, which we would like to work on and discuss with all interested participants. Details will be announced in good time.

And as the current staff council term comes to an end at the beginning of 2026, there is also a staff council election on the agenda this year. This will take place on November 19 and 20, 2025 and a high voter turnout is an important sign of support for the future representation work! Voting in person will be possible on campus in the TC Hall. In preparation for the staff council election, another general staff assembly to elect the election committee will take place on Thursday, October 23rd, 2025 from 9:30 am in conference room 1. Of course, we look forward to a lively participation at this meeting as well.


Last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of two previously announced events. On Thursday, March 27th, there will be a lecture on "Bullying and (sexual) harassment in the workplace" at 10 am in conference room 1.

And on Tuesday, June 24th, the Firmenstaffellauf (Corporate Relay Race) will take place in the evening. Registration for both events is open. We hope for many participants!


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