Studierende beim Lernen in der Bibliothek.

Nächste Schritte

Sie haben folgende Auswahl getroffen:
Masterstudium / Marketing / Internationaler/kein österreichischer Studienabschluss
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Schritt 2: Aufnahme- und Bewerbungsverfahren

Application period for the 2025/26 winter semester: The rolling admissions schedule comprises three application deadlines. The earlier you apply, the sooner you’ll know if you receive a place in the program.

To begin the application process for the MSc programs, you will need to submit the completed online application form and all necessary documents as PDF files in original language. Please note that any documents issued in a language other than German or English must be submitted accompanied by a certified translation. Check the legibility of your PDF files before submitting the application.

Required documents (as PDF files, max. size: 2 MB each upload):

  • If you have already completed your relevant first degree program: Degree certificate

  • Official transcripts of all courses passed within the relevant first degree program, including grades, weekly hours and/or ECTS credits or credits. Please read carefully through our Information about evaluation

  • Information provided by your university about the legally required duration of the program and the number of ECTS credits or credits or weekly hours required for the completion of the program (e.g. Diploma Supplement or confirmation issued by your university, WU students are not required to provide this information).

  • Official confirmation indicating all courses you still have to pass for completion of the program. The confirmation has to indicate the weekly hours and/or ECTS credits or credits required for each course (for WU students not required)

  • Proof of adequate competence in English

  • Passport (only the page with your personal information)

  • In case of change of name after completion of the first degree program: the document proofing this change (e.g. marriage certificate)

  • Proof of aptitude:

    • GMAT Exam (10th Edition) score report from a test center/online with a minimum of 500 points. Please upload the official score report as a PDF file to your application. OR 

    • GMAT Exam (Focus Edition) score report with a minimum of 495 points. For verification purposes, please grant WU access to your score report by sending your score to the selected program on your account. Please consider the time required for GMAC to release your official scores (up to 20 business days).

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Motivation letter(max. 3200 characters; not required as an upload but to be prepared in advance and entered into the online application form)

If you do not meet the specific requirements [compare step 1] with your bachelor program, you can upload official transcripts (stamped and signed or it has to bear a verifiable digital signature by your university) with additional courses. Please note that we only use relevant courses from a different study at a recognized post-secondary educational institution. If the university/institution does not use the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), we will need an official information about the legally required duration of the program and the number of credits or weekly hours required for the completion of the program.

If you fulfill the requirements, your application will be forwarded to a panel of experts. They will determine your aptitude for the program based on the documents submitted.

The applicants with the highest total aptitude ratings will be offered admission to the program selected as their first or highest preference. To claim your place, you must confirm the admission offer in writing and pay the admission deposit in the amount of € 200 within 10 days. Any offers that are not confirmed within 10 days, both by sending a written confirmation and paying the deposit, will be withdrawn. After the last available priority deadline, they will be offered to the next candidate on the waiting list.

If you accept the admission offer and pay the admission deposit, you will receive an admission confirmation.

Online application tool

(available during the application period)
