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Financial planning for experiences abroad

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WU Vienna offers a broad portfolio of opportunities to gain international experience. Depending on the exchange program, there are various financial aspects that you should consider when planning and deciding on an exchange. On this page, you will find information and tips on what costs to expect and what financial support is available.

Exchange semester/year

Exchange semester Canada

Students assigned an exchange semester abroad by WU’s International Office receive financial support through a grant. The type of grant depends on the destination:

To receive a grant, ECTS credits must be earned abroad and recognized at WU Vienna upon your return. More details will be provided at the grant and credit transfer session in the semester before your stay abroad. You will be invited to this event by email.

Choice of destination

Cost factors of a semester abroad

Additional financial support

International Short Programs (ISPs)

Short Program Porto

International Short Programs (ISPs) usually last between three to five weeks and can be a supplement or alternative to longer stays abroad. Since ISPs abroad come with a program fee and other identifiable costs, the financial feasibility can be estimated accurately.

Choice of program

Cost factors of an International Short Program (ISP)

WU mobility grant for International Short Programs (ISPs)

Internship abroad

Internship Abroad

Internships abroad offer the opportunity to apply your academic knowledge in a real-world setting while gaining valuable international experience. Financial support is possible under certain conditions.

Erasmus+ support for internships abroad

Good to know

  • You can use Numbeo's website to research the cost of living abroad. To do so, click on the search bar and enter the name of your destination.

  • Know your budget: It is advisable to find out about possible cost factors before going abroad. To ensure that nothing stands in the way of a successful stay abroad, we recommend calculating more generously.

  • Lifestyle and travel plans: The better you know your priorities, the easier it is to estimate costs.

  • International experience can also be gained at WU Vienna (e.g. through ISPs at WU or online initiatives, such as ECOL or ENGAGE.EU).