Ein Mann hält ein Papierflugzeug aus einer Weltkarte in die Höhe

International Short Programs organized entirely by partner universities

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

In addition to International Short Programs abroad organized by WU (see here for an overview), WU partner universities also offer short programs. These programs are regular short programs offered by partner universities, and welcome international students from various institutions, in addition to WU students and regular students of the respective university.

Below you can find a selection of recommended programs for WU students interested in attending a short program organized by one of WU's partner universities. The respective partner universities are directly responsible for the organization of the programs.

Please note the following important information regarding credit transfer, the IBW International Experience, and the Courses Abroad modules:

  • Students enrolled in BaWiSo 2019: Whether a program is suitable for fulfilling the IBW International Experience for Bachelor's students can be found below in the key facts of each program.

  • Students enrolled in BaWiSo 2023: In most cases, credits completed in a Short Program offered by WU partner universities can be recognized as part of Course Abroad or International Experience (IBW) module. Please note that this is only possible if the Short Program takes place outside of Austria and outside of the student’s home country. Courses completed abroad must be related to business and/or economics and must be graded (pass/fail is not sufficient).

  • For further questions regarding credit transfer options, please contact course.abroad@wu.ac.at.

Short programs at partner universities with nomination

Short program at partner universities without nomination