Arbeitskollegen machen entspannt Pause

Seed funding structure

No specific formal requirements apply, but the application has to follow the structure outlined below (max. 2 A4 pages):

  1. Applicant

  2. Funding organization and call for which the project application is to be prepared

  3. Project duration, grant amount, WU’s share in the project (in the case of joint projects carried out by a consortium of project partners)

  4. Project abstract

  5. Expected benefit for WU: publications, international networking, follow up projects, etc.

  6. Cost schedule for the project application process, not the project itself (for personnel expenses, please include a short description of duties and responsibilities

  7. For projects carried out by a consortium: members of the consortium and WU’s role in it

  8. For projects carried out by a consortium: WU’s research tasks in the project
