Academic Staff Council

SAP in the field


Last spring, WU began migrating several aspects of personnel administration to SAP. These are now available in the new “SAP portal”. In addition to sick leave notes, vacation requests are now handed in via SAP. However, unlike in the past, there only the immediate supervisor is authorized to process leave and vacation requests (as opposed to a list of supervisors to choose from). Supervisors must therefore ensure that they have an official substitute in SAP in the event of their own absence (information on this can be found here). It is only human to forget this from time to time. This can be problematic for the employee if a vacation request remains unprocessed. To avoid this, supervisors should authorize “unplanned substitutions” in SAP and inform their employees of the authorized substitute.

After a few months of practical testing, the wissBR would be interested to know whether the switch to SAP has led to any major problems in this respect. We would be happy to bundle such requests; those affected can contact us at

The fact that access to SAP from off-campus requires two-factor authentication (2FA) in addition to an existing VPN connection can be an insurmountable obstacle to reporting via SAP in the event of a sickness or carer's leave. In addition to the possibility of authorizing colleagues to create a sick leave in SAP as a substitute (information on this can be found here), it is still possible to contact the HR department by phone or e-mail to report a sick leave or carer's leave. The termination of the leave as well as the uploading of required confirmations (sick report, confirmation of caregiving need) can then also be done later, when one has access to SAP again, or during a continuing absence from work without SAP access, can also be done by emailing an attachment to the HR department. However, it is important that the immediate supervisor is informed of the employee's absence if the notification is not made via SAP. If the notification is made via SAP, then the supervisor will automatically receive a notification. If the sick leave/carer's leave is reported by phone, the employees must actively inform their supervisor of their absence. In case of any questions please contact the HR department.


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