WU Campus


Open Access publishing with Elsevier

An agreement with the publisher Elsevier allows WU-affiliated authors to publish Open Access in approximately 2,000 Elsevier journals at no additional cost. You can check if the journal of your choice is part of the agreement here.

Who is eligible?

Authors who are affiliated with Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration at the time of submission and act as "corresponding author" of the article are eligible. The decisive factor for whether an article is covered by the agreement is the submission date, which must be after January 1, 2021.

If your article was submitted in 2020, you might also be eligible due to a preceding pilot agreement.

How does it work?

As corresponding author with WU affiliation, you will be offered the open access option when your article is accepted for publication. The University Library confirms your status as a WU author, and provides support services if necessary (contact).

Further information on this agreement: