WU Campus

Finding Literature

2 main areas of research

A Known-Item-Search is about searching for specific titles (e.g. from a reading list) in the library. Here the emphasis is on finding out what type of publication the desired title is and which search tools are best suited to find it.

Searching by Topic means that you have a topic (e.g. for a seminar paper) and want to find books and journal articles on this topic. Here the chosen search terms and search strategies are of particular importance.

Tips and tricks for your research are provided by Fit4Research, the WU Library's open access eLearning program.

Literature research

Video instructions for 1. Preparing the search 2. Choosing the right databases 3. Searching in the WU catalog and 4. Searching in a literature database.

  • Use the WU Catalog to search for printed and electronic books as well as printed journals. Use the Electronic Journal Library to search for eJournals.

  • Use the Databases to search for scholarly articles, market analyses, company information, and statistical data.

Support on searching for documents, researching a topic, using search tools can be found in the WU Library’s eLearning program. For information and support for more advanced literature searches. Please contact our Research Consultation Service.

Search Tools

WU Catalog
The WU Catalog offers convenient access to the library’s print and digital collections and the collection of the Language Resource Center. It also has a multidisciplinary mega-index with full text articles and further literature references.

Our collection of scholarly and application-oriented literature and factual databases.

Information about finding and accessing electronic and printed journals.

WU Research
WU open access research literature

Special WU Catalogs as well as Austrian and international catalogs.