WU Campus

Library Information

Library Info NEW – We have moved!

The Library Information is now even easier to find – right at the entrance to the Central Library. Here we are happy to share our Know-How about the following topics:

  • How do I find my way around the library?

  • How do I borrow books?

  • How does the catalog work and how can I search specifically for eBooks or electronic articles?

  • How do I find databases suitable for my topic?

  • anything else you may want to know about the library and our services

We look forward to seeing you at the Library Info!

The Library Information in the Central Library is open:

  • Mondays to Fridays from 10:00am-12:00noon and from 1:00pm-5:00pm

  • Wednesdays additionally from 5:00pm-7:00pm.

You can also contact us by email (library@wu.ac.at) or call us (+43-1-31336 4990).