WU Campus

WU Library

The WU University Library is one of the largest economic and business libraries in the German-speaking area. Our primary goal is to ensure patrons can access our range of information services quickly and easily.

WU University Library: a competent and service-minded partner for all our target groups

  • The University Library is a central and essential part of the research, teaching, and academic infrastructure at WU

  • The WU community has a positive image of the University Library and its service portfolio

  • WU students, researchers, and faculty are the primary target groups

Core functions: academic media, specialized information, and study zones

  • Attractive study zones

  • Exceptional access to collections for our target groups

  • Service center for information and media

  • Library services for science and research

Our team focuses on responsibility, service, and solutions

  • Everything we do at the University Library is aimed to best serve our target group

  • We value teamwork, cooperation, open dialogue, and mutual respect

  • Diversity is a team strength

Our target groups

Our service portfolio and holdings are designed to meet the needs of our target groups. WU students, faculty, and academic staff are our primary target groups, though we also serve WU administrative personnel.

Other interested parties, such as students from other universities, high-school students, or postgraduate students, can apply for a library card that grants them access to all study zones and the use of our collections depending on license access.

We actively tailor our services to appeal to our target groups.

University Library Strategic Domains

The services offered by the WU University Library can be divided into four areas: study zones for students; access to academic media and specialized information of all kinds; instruction in information and media skills; and our range of services for researchers.  

Study Zones for Students

The WU Library operates modern and functional study spaces with a wide range of services for students in the Library & Learning Center and the Library for Law. We actively support WU’s strategic goal to promote innovative teaching and learning.

Academic Media, Specialized Information, and Data

The Library’s academic media and specialized information holdings advance research, teaching, and academics at WU. In both quantity and quality, they reflect WU’s leading role as the largest business and economics university in Austria and one of the most important institutions of its kind in Europe.

Information and Media Skills

Information and media literacy skills are essential in an academic environment. In the Library’s service portfolio, these include professional media and data research, methodical research skills, modes of access to academic information, bibliography management, citations, evaluating sources, selecting search tools, and the information life cycle.

Services for Research and the Sciences at WU

A large portion of the University Library resources are dedicated to promoting research and scientific advancement. Many general library services, like open access, the branch libraries, and the liaison librarians primarily offer support services to WU’s academic staff.

Our Contributions to Research, Teaching, and Academic Studies

Good service is a matter of course. We offer custom-tailored services to all our target groups.

WU Library - always & everywhere

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