WU Campus

eLearning WU Library

Fit4Research is the WU Library's open access eLearning program about subjects such as library use, research techniques, and reference management.

Known Item Search
This guide focuses on searching for specific titles (e.g. from a reading list) in the library. The known item search section deals with how to find out what type of publication the desired title is and which search tools are best suited to finding it.

Searching by Topic
This section deals with searching for literature on a particular subject. You have a topic (e.g. for a seminar paper) and want to find books and journal articles on this topic. Read this section to learn how to plan your search, which search tools to choose, and tips on search parameters and strategies.

Finding your way around the library
What is shelved where in the Central Library? This guide will introduce you to the different areas in which the various media in the library’s collection are kept.