WU Campus

Library Card

To access and borrow materials from any of the WU libraries, you will need a WU Student ID or a WU library card.

WU students: As a student, your student ID card functions as a library card for the duration of your studies at WU.

WU faculty and staff: You can get your card at the library front desk in the Central Library or you can fill out this form. The library card will be delivered by in-house mail.

External library patrons: To apply for a library card, please come to the front desk in the Central Library during the opening hours of the library front desk. The library card will be issued at once (see the information about documents needed, costs and validity of the library card).

For further questions, please send an email to entlehnung@wu.ac.at.

Loss of Library Card, Blocking a Library Account

WU students who have lost their student ID card can request a duplicate at the Admissions office. WU faculty and staff members and WU alumni can request a duplicate library card free of charge. Please contact entlehnung@wu.ac.at.

All other library patrons can also request a duplicate library card. They are charged a processing fee of € 10,-. Please contact entlehnung@wu.ac.at.

In the event of loss or theft of your library card or your WU student ID, please have your library account blocked immediately. To do so, please contact the library (entlehnung@wu.ac.at).

Log in data for the WU catalog

The library card includes login information required for requesting items online or placing hold requests on materials. Via the library catalog you can also extend the loan periods books on your account.

WU students

WU login: student ID number (e.g. h12345678) + WU password

External library patrons

Library ID no. with prefix “bib” (e.g. bib123456) + your personal library password

Changing the password

WU students

Your library password is your WU password which you can change via the Controlpanel application.

External library patrons

You can change your library password online. Login to change password

I can’t remember my password

WU students

Please go to the IT Support Center. By showing a valid photo ID, you will be given a new password.

External library patrons

Please go to the library front desk in the Central Library. By showing a valid photo ID, you will be given a new password.

Library Regulations

All current rules and regulations regarding use of the Library and borrowing Library materials are specified in the WU Library Regulations.