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AT2OA2 is a lead project of a funding initiative for digital and social transformation in higher education of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

Based on recommendations from the previous project, AT2OA2 (2021–2024) takes concrete measures in key areas of Open Access. These include financing, data collection, data analysis, data enrichment and networking, educational measures and harmonization in administration.

AT2OA2 is a collaboration of Austria’s 22 public universities, the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria aiming to promote the transformation from closed to Open Access (OA) for scientific publications.

WU is actively involved in these4 subprojects:

  • Funding transformative agreements with scientific publishers

  • Establishing a Datahub for Open Access Monitoring

  • Analysis of Open Access publication costs

  • Predatory Publishing


The Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ) was formed in July 2005. Universities, private universities, universities of applied sciences, the Austrian National Library, regional libraries, funding agencies, and other research and educational institutions have joined forces to acquire licenses for scientific literature. In addition to the economic benefits and the demand-oriented supply of relevant scientific online information to members, KEMÖ also focuses on discussions of current developments on the publication market and in scientific publishing, as well as the transfer of knowledge between experts from a wide range of institutions and specialist areas. In recent years, 13 consortium agreements with open access components have been concluded within the framework of KEMÖ. Internationally, the Austrian Academic Library Consortium collaborates with partners such as GASCO (German, Austrian and Swiss Consortia Organization) and ICOLC (International Coalition of Library Consortia).

The goal of the project Austrian Transition to Open Access (AT2OA) was to support the large-scale transformation of scientific publications from Closed to Open Access and to implement measures supporting this initiative. The project was divided into four sub-projects and started in 2017 with a term of four years. All Austrian Universities participated. The project aim was to increase Austria’s Open Access publication output by restructuring licence agreements with publishers and by providing targeted support for researchers’ publication activities. WU library was actively involved in the subprojects ‘Impact analysis of the transition to Open Access’ and ‘Support for Open Access publications and alternative Open Access publication models’.

OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) is a centralized Open Access infrastructure and service center for research. Over 50 project partners are working together to establish a digital research infrastructure in the EU. The goal is to promote open science and to make it easier to discover and re-use FP7 and Horizon2020-funded publications and their associated data.

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an index of freely accessible online journals that opearte on Open Access principle. The directory is maintained by the university library of Lund University in Sweden.

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