WU Campus

Open Access at WU

WU is actively involved in the field of Open Access publishing:

2002-2022 WU run an institutional repository ePubWU, that could be used by researchers to make their scholarly output available in Open Access. In summer 2022, WU launched the new system "WU Research", which also fulfills the functions of a repository. WU has published its Open Access Policy in November 2016 and subsequently signed the Berlin Declaration in December 2016.

WU makes agreements with publishers on an institutional level to help facilitate Open Access publishing for WU authors. For more information please see Agreements with publishers. OA-publications in journals not covered by these agreements may be eligible for funding by the WU Open Access Publication Fund.

If you would like to publish an Open Access journal at WU, we offer services for setting up and hosting the journal.

WU cooperates with national and international partners and is a member in several projects in the Open Access field. For more information please see Cooperation partners and memberships.