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Prof. Pasquale Pistone

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Photograph: Prof. Pasquale Pistone

Prof. Pasquale Pistone has been a member of the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law since 2005, where he holds an ad personam Jean Monnet Chair in European Tax Law and Policy. He is also a Full Professor of Tax Law at the University of Salerno (Italy) and the Academic Chairman of the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (a research institute operating in Amsterdam since 1938).

His permanent legal research focuses on European and international tax law and includes an interdisciplinary approach to a wide range of issues that arise in both areas. Long-term specific areas of interest include the protection of taxpayers’ rights as human rights, constitutional principles applicable to tax law, cross-border tax dispute settlement (under tax and bilateral investment tax treaties), transparency and cross-border mutual assistance in tax matters and the relations with developing countries.

Chief editor of the journals World Tax Journal and of ITAXS, the IBFD Doctoral Series and the Series of International Tax Law by Bloomsbury and of the IBFD Global Tax Treaty Commentaries.

(Co-)Editor of 78 books and (co)-author of 9 books and of over 270 articles and book chapters on tax law, written and/or translated in 12 languages, mostly on international and European tax law.

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