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News Archiv MCARSS

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WU students and researchers call for a price on carbon

University, COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis COVID-19 is a violent reminder of the fragility of the current moment. For epidemiologists, it came as no surprise - already in 2007 scientists were…

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COVID-19 Implikationen für die Marketing Praxis

Wir danken sehr herzlich unseren Praxis-Partnern für die Kommunikation mit unseren Studierenden auch in Krisen-Zeiten! Im Rahmen unserer SBWL-LVs standen Dr. Thomas Haller (Simon-Kucher und Partners)…

Urlaubswahl: Die Farbe entscheidet die Wahl

WienWissen hat einen Artikel zu Anke Schneiders und Stefan Wiesels Forschung zu Farbdarstellungen von Reisezielen in der Tourismuswirtschaft veröffentlicht. Die Forschung beschäftigt sich mit der…

Prof. Reutterer on Machine Learning Sequential Marketing Data

Prof. Reutterer gave a talk at the Marketing Discipline Group, University of Technology Sydney / AUS on "How machines learn from sequential customer data and what marketing researchers can make out of…

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The MCA Institute Members

SBWL Semester Opening 2020

Auch 2020 hießen wir, wie zu Beginn jedes Semesters, die neue Kohorte der Studierenden der SBWL Service & Digital Marketing in Form eines Semester Opening Events willkommen. Dieses Jahr hat der…

Anonymous Big Data workshop

The Anonymous Big Data workshop was organized in the context of the ANonymous bIg daTA (ANITA) project. ANITA aims to systematically examine and validate the feasibility of using artificial…

Predicting customer future with neural nets

Prof. Reutterer presented fresh Institute research on predicting customer future with autoregressive neural nets at the Marketing Analytics Symposium (MASS 2020) in Sydney. More information on the…

Dr. Jennifer Escalas presents some of her latest research on how transporting narratives play on consumers

We have all likely experienced a feeling of being completely transported by a novel, a piece of music, or a film.  The rest of the world seems to fall away, and we are become lost in another world. …

Research Talk by Prof. Ayelet Fishbach, University of Chicago (US)

In the last talk of our Research Seminar Series before Christmas, Prof. Fishbach from University of Chicago (US) presented her research on sharing information learned from failure. Although we are…