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News Archiv MCARSS

Research Talk: Intended and Unintended Consequences of Consumer Use of Social Media

Prof. Andrew Stephen from the University of Oxford (GB) held a talk on the consequences of consumer use of social media. Being one of the leading marketing academics in digital media channels, Prof.…

Finale beim BIOMIN / WU / Boku 2017 Hackathon

Wie bereits im Vorjahr fanden im Rahmen des Kongresses "Weltmarktführer in Österreich" vor einem interessierten Fachpublikum die qualitativ hochwertigen Elevator-Pitches der diesjährigen…

Research Talk on Consumer Reactance to Conditional Discounts

Prof. Marco Bertini from ESADE Barcelona held a talk on consumer reactance to conditional discounts as part of our Department’s Research Seminar Series. The presented research suggests that discounts…

Research Talk by Anatoli Colicev, Nazarbayev University, Kasachstan

Anatoli Colicev from the Graduate School of Business at Nazarbayev University in Kasachstan held a talk about when to use which sentiment extraction tool for exploring Social Media’s impact on…

Research Talk on Mobile Big Data Analytics

Prof. Xueming Luo from Fox School of Business at Temple University in Philadelphia, U.S., held a talk about targeted and retargeted mobile promotions in the course of our Department’s Research Seminar…

Prof. Fred Feinberg on Detecting Cupid’s Vector: Universals and Deal‐Breakers in Mate Choice via Online Dating Activity Data

Prof. Fred Feinberg from the University of Michigan (U.S.) held a talk on mate choice in online dating as part of our Department’s Research Seminar Series. The presented study leveraged modern choice…

Kickoff zum BIOMIN Hackathon 2017

Wie bereits im Vorjahr veranstaltet das Institut für Service Marketing wieder gemeinsam mit dem Wirtschaftsverlag einen Business-Development "Hackathon". Als Industrie-Partner konnte die Firma…

Semester-Opening und SBWL Kick-Off

Wie jedes Semester heißen wir unsere neuen Studierenden der SBWL Service & Digital Marketing sehr herzlich willkommen. Die Welcome Address bei unserer Kick-Off-Veranstaltung kam dieses mal vom…

Dr. Michael Platzer gewinnt Robert J. Lavidge Global Marketing Research Award 2017

Dr. Michael Platzer hat den von der American Marketing Association (AMA) jährlich vergebenen Robert J. Lavidge Global Marketing Research Award 2017 erhalten und ist damit einer der wenigen (wenn nicht…

AI Summit Vienna 2017 with leading experts as speakers

We were more than happy to host the first AI Summit Vienna at WU Vienna. A set of five world-class experts shared their view on recent developments in the exciting field of (deep) machine learning and…