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News Archiv MCARSS

Koert Van Ittersum (Univ. Groningen) on In-Store Shopping Dynamics

Koert Van Ittersum from the University of Groningen (NL) presented his work on in-store shopping dynamics in our Research Seminar Series. In the course of his presentation, he elaborated on how…

Felix Hackl and Georg Schiefer (Flightkeys GmbH) on Software Solutions for the Aviation Industry

Felix Hackl and Georg Schiefer from Flightkeys GmbH, a startup based in Vienna, gave a talk on their software solutions for the aviation industry at WU Vienna, sharing marketing insights with our…

Peter Verhoef shares research on customer journey analytics in digital environments

Peter Verhoef from the University of Groningen (NL) presented a collection of his work on customer journey analytics in increasing digital environments in our Research Seminar Series. In the course…

Jan Valendin about the blockchain social media platform steemit at Cryptomonday#3

Our collegue, and member of the Institute for Service Marketing and Tourism, Jan Valendin, held a presentation on his analysis of the decentralized social media platform steemit at Cryptomonday#3 at…

SBWL Kick-Off WS 2018

Wie jedes Semester heißen wir unsere neuen Studierenden der SBWL Service & Digital Marketing sehr herzlich willkommen. Die Welcome Address der Firma AboutMedia und das anschließende Buffet zum…

Prof. Thomas Reutterer is Researcher of the Month October 2018

We are happy to announce that Prof. Thomas Reutterer, head of the Institute of Service Marketing and Tourism, was selected as WU's October / 2018 Researcher of the Month for his research in the field…

We welcome our new colleague Melanie Schärer

We welcome our new colleague Melanie Schärer. Before joining our institute Melanie did an apprenticeship at the TU Wien. She graduated in 2011 and continued working at the TU Wien as a secretary for…

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Research Talk by Aradhna Krishna

Aradhna Krishna from the University of Michigan (US) presented a collection of her work on “Mental Simulation and other Mental Imagery” in our Research Seminar Series. Aradhna is considered one of the…

Marketing meets Alumni

Am 24. Mai 2018 lud der MSc Marketing Club der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, unterstützt vom Service Marketing Institute, zum bisher erfolgreichsten Teil der „Marketing meets...“ Eventreihe ein. Nach…

Research Talk by P.K. Kannan

P.K. Kannan from the University of Maryland presented his research on product line extensions as part of our Department’s Research Seminar Series. The presented studies used multiple methods to…