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News Archiv MCARSS

Tammo Bijmolt (U. G.roningen, NL) on Multi-Tier Loyalty Programs

In his insightful research talk on June 27 at WU's Marketing Department, Tammo Bijmolt elaborated on one of his recent research projects that examines promotions and demotions of business-to-business…

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David Schweidel (Emory University Atlanta, US) on Emotionality in Social Media

In his Research Talk on June 13th David Schweidel talked about "Emotionality on Social Media”. Abstract: Organizations are increasingly turning to social media as a means of communicating with…

"Business meets AI" Panel at ACSD 2019

Prof. Thomas Reutterer (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Prof. Georg Gottlob (Oxford University), and Prof. Claudia Plant (University of Vienna) participated in a panel on "Business meets…

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Research Seminar Series with Bram Van den Bergh (Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL))

In his Research Talk on May 16th Bram Van den Bergh talked about "Targeting Donors: Increasing Fundraising Effectiveness by Providing Donors Opportunities to Target Their Charitable Gifts”. Abstract:…

Tourissimus 2019 goes to ...

The Tourissimus, which is considered "The Oscar" for educational institutions in the field of tourism in Austria, was awarded on April 11, 2019 in Krems by the Austrian Society for Applied Tourism…

Research Talk with Avi Goldfarb

In his Research Talk on March 28th Avi Goldfarb talked about "Machine learning in healthcare: Invention of a method of invention, general purpose technology, or both?". Abstract: Recent attention to…

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Vortrag von Albert Moik und Sarah Naomi Prinz vom Unternehmen Accenture

Albert Moik und Sarah Naomi Prinz vom Unternehmen Accenture hielten im Rahmen unserer Practitioner Seminar Series einen sehr interessanten Vortrag zum Thema "Digital Marketing in the age of Artificial…

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Research Talk with Vladas Griskevicius

In his Research Talk on March 21st Vladas Griskevicius talked about "The Power of Social Norms Combined With Financial Incentives". Abstract: In hopes of motivating consumers to provide larger…

Vortrag von Mag. Holger Sicking (Head of Market Research) bei der Österreichwerbung

Mag. Holger Sicking (Head of Market Research) bei der Österreichwerbung hielt im Rahmen unserer Practitioner Seminar Series einen sehr interessanten Vortrag zum Thema "Data Driven Marketing in der…

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Timothy Heath (University of South Florida, US) on when “good math” begets bad behavioral science

Timothy Heath from the University of South Florida (US) presented his work on when “good math” begets bad behavioral science in our Research Seminar Series. In the course of his presentation,…