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News Archiv MCARSS

Prof. Aurélie Lemmens on managing churn to optimize profit

Prof. Lemmens from Rotterdam School of Management (NL) recently introduced her work on managing churn to optimize profit in our Research Seminar Series. Proactive retention programs are dependent on…

Research Talk by Kusum Ailawadi, University Tuck at Dartmouth (US)

In the latest talk of our Research Seminar Series Prof. Kusum Ailawadi from University Tuck at Dartmouth (US) presented her and her co-workers’ research on private label supply by national brand…

Research Seminar Series with Peeter Verlegh, University Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)

In the latest talk of our Research Seminar Series Prof. Peeter Verlegh from University Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL) presented his work on how consumers use brands to show off on (visual) social…

Research Talk by Leonard Lee, University of Singapore (SGP)

In the most recent guest talk of our Research Seminar Series of the Marketing Department on the 21st of November Professor Leonard Lee from the National University of Singapore demonstrated that money…

Prof. J.E. (Jaap) Wieringa talks about privacy preserving marketing analytics

How can we analyze customer data, when customer data analysis is not allowed any longer? This and other questions were answered during the second session of the Research Seminar Series with Professor…

WU Matters: "Big Data und Privacy – Ein Spannungsfeld?"

Prof. Reutterer moderierte eine Podiumsdisussion mit den Experten Michael Platzer (, Nicolas March (Rewe Digital), Michael Mrak (Casions Austria) und Martin Fluch (A1 Digital) zum Thema Big…

Optimizing marketing strategies using MindTake's research data

Daniel Kutrowatz held a presentation on the optimization of marketing strategies based on market research data collected by MindTake Research GmbH & Reppublika's market research data in our…

FFG Project on Anonymous Big Data Sharing

On October 1st the Institute started an FFG funded research project which aims to systematically validate the feasibility of using deep recurrent neural network architectures to generate synthetic…

Carl Mela (Duke U.) talks about pricing in ad exchange markets

How a publisher should set reserve prices for real-time bidding (RTB) auctions when selling display advertising impressions through ad exchanges, a $40 billion market and growing. Through a series of…

Welcome SBWL Students WS 2019/20

Zu Beginn jedes Semesters heißen wir die neue Kohorte der Studierenden der SBWL Service & Digital Marketing willkommen. Nach einleitenden Worten von Prof. Thomas Reutterer und Prof. Nadia Abou Nabout…