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Exercise No. 26: Project Management (apa)

This cube stores data about work packages of projects.

We have four dimensions with the following hierarchical structure:

Table A.E.53.1 - project magagemnet

Please build the Aggregation Path Array and assume the following end-user requirement:

1) "a report of the projects done at a location in a year"

2) "a roll-up of the time dimension starting at months for each person responsible independent of all other dimensions"

Select the corresponding cells in the APA and choose a cube to materialize, then highlight the derivatives of this cube.


Figure A.E.53.1 - The resulting APA with the redundancy free-set highlighted

Size of the redundancy-free set (including the base cube): 72

Required cubes, the materialization decision and derivatives

The blue area represents the end-user requirement 1 ("a report of the projects done at a location in a year") and the end-user requirement 2 ("a roll-up of the time dimension starting at months for each person responsible independent of all other dimensions").

Materializing cube v = (Pe_*, L_lo, P_pr, T_y) (dark blue cell "T_y", representing end-user requirement 1) and cube w = (Pe_pe, L_*, P_*, T_m) (dark green cell "T_m", representing end-user requirement 2) offer us the following sets of derivatives.

Figure A.E.53.2 - Derivatives of cube v = (Pe_*, L_lo, P_pr, T_y)

Figure A.E.53.3 - Derivatives of cube w = (Pe_pe, L_*, P_*, T_m)

Figures A.E.53.2 to A.E.53.3 show that no end-user requirement is covered by the derivatives of another vector. To meet all end-user requirements we will have to materialize both cubes, v and x.

This exercise is part of a case study: dfm - apa - log