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Ger­man Trans­la­ti­on



In­te­gra­ti­on Ma­nage­ment with SAP R/3

Short De­scrip­ti­on

In sche­du­ling, the sys­tem cal­cu­la­tes the start and fi­nish dates of or­ders or of ope­ra­ti­ons wit­hin an order.
Sche­du­ling is car­ried out in

Ma­te­ri­al re­qui­re­ments plan­ning: The in-​house pro­duc­tion times and the de­li­very times spe­ci­fied in the ma­te­ri­al mas­ter re­cord are taken into ac­count.
Ca­pa­ci­ty plan­ning: Sche­du­ling is car­ried out using rou­tings. A dis­tinc­tion is made bet­ween lead time sche­du­ling, in which ca­pa­ci­ty loads are not taken into ac­count, and fi­ni­te sche­du­ling in which ca­pa­ci­ty loads are taken into ac­count.

Net­works: Sche­du­ling cal­cu­la­tes the ear­liest and la­test dates for the exe­cu­ti­on of the ac­ti­vi­ties as well as the ca­pa­ci­ty re­qui­re­ments and the floats.
The fol­lo­wing sche­du­ling types exist:

For­ward sche­du­ling: sche­du­ling star­ting from the start da­teBack­ward sche­du­ling: sche­du­ling star­ting from the fi­nish date
Sche­du­ling to cur­rent date: sche­du­ling star­ting from the cur­rent date
Today sche­du­ling: a sche­du­ling type which can be used to re­schedu­le an order if the start date is in the past.
[vgl.­p­in­­sa­ry (6.01.2002), URL]