Quick-Guide for BE-Students

The login required for most services is your WU identification consisting of h+student ID number (matriculation/registration number) + password.

You need a separate password for the WU-WiFi (wu and/or eduroam). You can set this via the WU Controlpanel. In order to use MS Teams, it is also necessary to accept WU's terms of use in the Controlpanel.

P. S. All links on this page were last checked on 03.12.2024. However, if you come across a "broken link", we would highly appreciate if you let us know.

Microsoft 365

Learning Management System CANVAS WU

CANVAS WU has been WU Vienna's learning management system since 2022. Therefore, the following links might be helpful:

Video Portal Planet eStream

Since switching to CANVAS WU, WU also has its own video portal. Videos that are required for submission in CANVAS WU are uploaded there. These can then be embedded and submitted directly in CANVAS WU using a plug-in..

Learning and Information Portal LEARN

LEARN@WU was the learning and information portal for WU students before switching to CANVAS WU. When it comes to content of expiring courses or functions that have not yet been integrated you may need to continue using LEARN@WU. In this case, please use the following links:

  • LEARN: Electronic learning platform with course overview, calendar, announcements, etc.

  • MyLEARN (course level): Course, e. g. access to course documents, submitting assignments, uploading theses.

  • WU glossary on LEARN@WU

WU-internal Websites related to the BE Master Program

Important Tools & Services

  • OSS: Online services for students, e.g. change of address, digital documents (such as transcript, enrollment information sheet, enrollment confirmation) and display of student rankings, re-registration status

  • WU Controlpanel: manage your WU account, e. g. account information, password change, e-mail forwarding, SMS notification(s)

  • LPIS: Course and exam registration, e. g. registration for individual courses, overview of academic progress, grade information

  • VVZ WU: Online course catalog, e. g. course description, subscription to course dates

  • Rooms: WU Room booking system (e. g. project room)

  • WU Campus Map: For better orientation on Campus WU

  • Bach: Directory with important applications for students, e. g. as of December 2024 Thesis Management for uploading a master thesis (instructions and more information on that)

  • WU Directory: Search for people within WU Vienna

Very useful Links