Blick in das LC Gebäude

Opening Hours

IT Support Center

Your primary point of contact regarding IT-related questions (e.g. WU password, Wi-Fi access, printing account, etc.).


We support you i.a. when encountering technical problems using and/or starting up the AV-media technology in event locations on campus.

CIO Office

We welcome external professionals on level 5 in the LC building, who need access to IT-SERVICES' operating premisses. Additionally, we take delivery of parcels and mailings addressed to IT-SERVICES.

PC Labs | Plug & Study Rooms

PC labs and Plug & Study rooms in the LC building usually can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your student ID card allows the use of the installed lock system. During operating hours with support, you can ask IT-Assistants for help.

Workstation Rooms (building D2)

Call our IT Assistants (+43-1-31336-3003) if you need help with the hardware in the workstation rooms. To use the rooms, your account must be activated by the Department of Information Systems & Operations.