Academic Staff Council
General information about the Chamber of Labour in Austria

In our last newsletter, we already reported on the role and tasks of the trade union. This time we would like to provide an overview of the role and tasks of the Chamber of Labour (AK). Together with the Staff Councils, the AK and the trade union form a triangle representing the interests of employees in Austria ("Drei mit Dir"). Austria is one of the few countries where a Chamber of Labour exists.
The main task of the AK is to represent and promote the social, economic, professional and cultural interests of employees. In contrast to the Staff Council, which does this on the company level, the AK represents the interests of employees towards representatives in politics and business. Membership of the Chamber of Labour is compulsory by law. This means that all employees or freelancers are members of the AK (with the exception of civil servants and public employees, for example). To finance this, a chamber contribution is levied, which amounts to 0.5% of the gross salary (capped by the maximum contribution base). This employee contribution is paid directly by the employer. The chamber levy (Kammerumlage - KU) is shown on the pay slip together with the housing subsidy contribution (Wohnbauförderungsbeitrag - WF).
Compulsory membership gives all employees who are subject to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff a legal entitlement to support from the AK on labour and social law issues. The AK offers legal advice by telephone or on site in the areas of employment law, tax law and consumer protection.
In the area of information services, the AK primarily publishes brochures on many labour law topics (some of them also in English), the most important of which we have linked here. In addition, printed versions of many of these brochures (most of them in German only) are available at the Staff Council information stand on the ground floor of the AD building in front of the Staff Council office.
The AK plays an active role in shaping legislation. The AK puts forward demands, takes initiatives and examines draft legislation. Some of the AK's specific demands for the university sector are: abolishment of the special labour law for universities in the UG § 109, improvement of career prospects for junior scientists, improvement of working conditions and sufficient funds for a better staff-student-ratio.
In addition, the AK conducts and promotes basic research in economics, social sciences and history and has a publicly accessible specialist library for social sciences.
What the AK stands for can be determined by its members in the AK elections, which take place every five years. The next AK election will be held in spring 2024. All WU employees liable to pay chamber contributions as of January 3, 2024 are eligible to vote, regardless of their citizenship. The general assembly of the Vienna Chamber of Labour will be elected in a direct election. Various groups, most of which are affiliated with political parties, stand for election.
At WU, the two Staff Council committees are responsible for organizing the election. The election dates at Campus WU have already been set. Voting will be possible on campus on April 10th, 11th, 15th, 16th and 23rd 2024 (more details on location and time will be sent out in good time).
In the run-up to this election, we are organizing an information and discussion event "Drei mit Dir" together with the Administrative Staff Council, at which representatives of the Union of Public Services (GÖD) and the AK will present the two interest groups and you will be able to discuss them. This event will take place on February, 14th 2024 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Club Lounge (Clubraum, LC). A detailed program will be announced separately.
Voter turnout at WU in the last general AK-election in 2019 was a relatively high 43.8%. The strongest groups at WU were the AUGE/UG (Alternative und Grüne Gewerkschafter*innen / Unabhängige Gewerkschafter*innen) with 40% and the FSG (Fraktion Sozialdemokratischer Gewerkschafter*innen) with 39.1%.
We would be delighted if we could achieve a similarly high voter turnout this time. We therefore call on all WU employees to make use of their right to vote and come to the polling station on the above-mentioned dates or apply for a polling card in good time (details will be sent by post)!