Garagenaufgang zwischen dem AD und D4 Gebäude

Equal Opportunities Committee

Mobbing, Sexual Harassment

Support for those affected by conflicts, mobbing, or sexual harassment

Say NO to Harassment! (booklet)

The Equal Opportunities Committee (EOC) advises and supports individuals or university governing bodies with regard to the appropriate handling of incidents involving sexist behaviour, sexual harassment, or mobbing.

Those affected are entitled to free counselling provided by the EOC.

The WU additionally provides advisory and counselling services: Pool of conflict and mobbing counsellors (only accessible for WU employees).

Advice on conflicts and mobbing

As is the case in all settings within which people come together, and in particular in work settings, there are grounds for conflict – also at WU. In some cases, these conflicts can escalate into mobbing.

Such incidents are extremely distressing for the individuals affected. They are also unpleasant for the organisation as a whole as such situations have the potential to more generally affect a collaborative and agreeable working atmosphere. As an employer, the WU is aware of its responsibility and duty of care towards its employees and, therefore, offers staff members affected by situations of conflict and mobbing the opportunity of free counselling provided by external professionals.

In a crisis situation, an individual may on her or his own behalf contact any of the external counsellors listed below. The WU settles these accounts on a trust basis, meaning that the university does not receive any details about the person having sought such a service.

The WU covers the costs for a maximum of five counselling sessions. In the event of additional sessions, the costs are to be borne by the individual having sought the counselling service.

Pool of conflict and mobbing counsellors (only accessible for WU employees)

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment as defined under § 8 Federal Equal Treatment Act, and mobbing constitute a violation of personality rights. The WU does not tolerate sexual harassment, sexist behaviour, or mobbing.

All members of the WU, in particular such assuming managerial and supervisory responsibilities in the areas of research, teaching, and administration are responsible that sexually harassing behaviour and mobbing are ceased within their respective areas of work.