Academic Staff Council

Valorization of performance-related pay urgently needed!


In recent weeks, we have held talks with representatives of the rectorate regarding the consequences of what we consider to be only a moderate valorization of the collective bargaining agreement. Among other things, we promoted the option of a contribution- and tax-free cost-of-living bonus, which was established by the Austrian government and which could be an important support for the employees of WU given the currently high inflation (estimated at 11% in February 2023) and a high share of part-time employees.
In addition, as part of the ongoing evaluation of the operational agreement on performance bonuses, we pointed out that the last adjustment of performance bonuses took place in 2015. Furthermore, the teaching allowances (which are not regulated in this operational agreement) have not been adjusted for more than 10 years. Since 2015, the accumulated real value loss due to inflation has already reached 20%. Therefore, a prompt valorization of teaching allowances is urgently needed in order to ensure an ongoing fair remuneration of teaching performance.
Unfortunately, our demand for a cost-of-living increase was rejected, as was the demand for a valorization of the performance bonuses according to the operational agreement (examination fees, research bonuses, etc.) as well as the teaching allowances (both for internal and external teaching by lecturers employed on the basis of a freelance service contract). However, at least with regard to teaching allowances, it was announced that the Rector's Council would re-evaluate the possibility of a financial adjustment before the summer.


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