Academic Staff Council

Social & Cultural


The Academic Staff Council is involved in the ongoing “Audit familienfreundliche Hochschule” project, a national project which promotes the balancing of university careers and family life. Its goal is to improve the working conditions of employees with various care obligations. As project member, the Academic Staff Council continually proposes ideas based on suggestions and requests from the faculty. One of the measures implemented from the project is an on-campus childcare service for children of WU employees (aged 6-12) during the summer school breaks. The inexpensive childcare service is offered in cooperation with KINDER IN WIEN (KIWI).

Directly on the WU campus, KINDER IN WIEN (KIWI) runs a kindergarten  for 1-6 year-old children. As this kindergarten is not run by WU, WU employees are not guaranteed admission of their children.

For employees who are enthusiastic about running, the Academic Staff Council offers financial support for participation in running events. In 2024, the Firmenstaffellauf which takes place in the Krieau is supported.

WU employees also enjoy numerous benefits with their staff ID card. A current list of partner companies can be found here.

Help in financial emergencies

In economically challenging situations, WU employees can receive a salary advance under certain conditions. Details are regulated in an operational agreement (see here).

Furthermore, the association "Sozialhilfe österreichischer Universitäts- u. Hochschullehrer" offers financial support in emergencies that are not covered by other sources (see here).

Another point of contact is WU's Social Fund, which is directly affiliated with the Rector.


At irregular invervals, the Academic Staff Council organizes interesting offers lectures on campus on the topics of culture and health. Ideas are welcomed and can be sent to the Academic Staff Council's office.

In addition, the Academic Staff Council organizes cultural events, such as city walks (e.g. discovering Jewish traces in Vienna) or exclusive visits to exhibitions and museums. Information on these can be found in our regularly published newsletter.

Your contact person:

Margit Paul