Academic Staff Council

Communication / Public Relations

One of the main tasks of the Academic Staff Council is to inform the entire WU academic faculty (our "internal audience"). We also see the Rector' s Council as part of our internal audience because it is very attentive to what we publish. In some cases, information that is formally addressed to faculty can lend more weight to the positions of the Academic Staff Council during negotiations with the Rector' s Council.

During our weekly office hours (held by Karin Burger-Ehrnhofer on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – best to make an appointment in advance), you as an employee can also talk to us directly if you want to discuss e.g. labour law issues in person. Of course, all other members of the staff council are also available for direct contact.

Meetings of various kinds (e.g. general staff assemblies, cultural events, lectures, etc.) are also ways of communication used by the Academic Staff Council to get in touch with the faculty. The general staff assemblies offer a particularly helpful opportunity for us to receive feedback and obtain new suggestions.

Although an email is a transient medium, our newsletter "BR Info" has successfully established itself as another communication channel. The advantages of this fast form of communication are obvious: current information can be provided in a clear form and is permanently available by linking it to our homepage. This newsletter increases our chances to properly reach the groups we represent.

Regarding our "external audience", the Academic Staff Council also maintains good contact with important target groups outside WU. These include other interest groups, trade unions (GÖD) and the Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer) as well as the staff representatives of other universities, along with journalists in the context of press work.

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