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Quality Management

What is quality management?

At WU, quality management in teaching is based on three key principles that characterize WU’s quality culture: reflection, feedback, and communication. These are the values upon which our definition of quality in teaching and our approaches to quality development and assurance are based. The concept of quality per se is not very clearly defined. For this reason, quality in teaching can mean something different to everyone. To build a shared understanding of what quality in teaching means at WU, including the perspectives and objectives of everyone involved, we have created a definition of quality in teaching that is based on the following dimensions:

  • Assurance of Learning

  • Assurance of Teaching Effectiveness

  • Assurance of Efficiency and Resource Adequacy

  • Assurance of Responsiveness to Academic and Corporate Needs

  • Assurance of Alignment with External Requirements

How do we assure quality?

WU follows a “fitness for purpose” approach and applies a range of methods, techniques, and projects in the management of teaching quality. These instruments are embedded into processes that are geared to the two major factors that determine WU’s teaching activities: our degree programs and our students. We develop our quality management processes and the corresponding quality development and assurance instruments based on the various dimensions of quality as outlined above. The instruments are targeted at three different yet interdependent levels derived from the key principles of WU’s quality culture: analysis, development, and dialog.

Program evaluation

Academic director meetings

Course Evaluation

Teaching awards

Teaching & learning community

Tutoring programs

WU Student Panel Monitoring

Graduate monitoring