Ein Mann hält ein Papierflugzeug aus einer Weltkarte in die Höhe

International Affairs

Since its founding over 125 years ago, internationality and mobility, along with international networks, have been a driving force in WU’s development. Only one percent of business schools worldwide hold a triple accreditation by EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA – and WU is one of them. This is testimony to the recognition that WU enjoys outside of Austria as well.

WU’s internationality is reflected in the following activities, among others:

  • It participates in international academic discourse, and it engages in dialog with the various academic communities and contributes to their development.

  • It recruits researchers and staff with international experience and internationally recognized expertise.

  • It systematically integrates international guest researchers and lecturers, for example through internationally established research seminars.

  • It maintains a network of around 240 partner universities and uses these contacts to support the mobility of its students, lecturers, and administrative staff.

  • It offers degree programs taught in English as a way to attract international students.

  • It gives all of its students the opportunity to develop a global mindset.

  • It establishes joint degree programs with selected partner universities (e.g. as part of the European University alliance ENGAGE.EU, the CEMS network, and the Erasmus Mundus consortium EPOG+, or in the form of double degree programs, COIL courses, and International Short Programs).

  • Through the European Universities initiative and its membership in the ENGAGE.EU alliance, WU contributes to the development of the European Higher Education Area and the establishment of an intenational strategy to increase Europe’s competitiveness in research, teaching, and the third mission.

  • It is an active partner in numerous international networks (e.g. PIM15, THEMIS16), which facilitates the exchange of experience and the planning of joint activities in tertiary business and economics education.

Erasmus Policy Statement
Erasmus Policy Statement

Dean for International Affairs

Professor Jonas Puck took office as WU’s new Dean for International Affairs on March 1, 2024. In this capacity, he will be working closely with the Rector’s Council to manage and coordinate WU’s international activities. Jonas Puck is a professor at WU and founder of the Institute for International Business. He is also the academic director of the MBA Program in Energy Management at the WU Executive Academy and co-director of WU’s Research Initiative on Sports and Management.

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International Board