Die Vortragende richtet ihren Blick auf die Studierenden im Seminar.

Strategic Concept: Teaching

As a university-level educational institution, WU is committed to excellence in all of its activities, as confirmed by the three internationally renowned accreditations EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA. In accordance with the Austrian National Development Plan for Public Universities (GUEP), WU believes that academic education should include a combination of research and teaching, the acquisition of top-level expertise, and the personal development of students to become responsible future leaders.

WU is committed to face-to-face teaching. Its degree programs meet the requirements of university-level and, consequently, research-led education, qualifying graduates to assume key roles in business and society in Austria and around the world, and enabling them to fulfill these roles responsibly and competently for the common good. As a responsible university, WU aims to help solve the world’s economic, social, legal, and ecological challenges through the work of its graduates and to make a positive contribution to shaping society through its reflective approach.

WU’s students are provided with a comprehensive, multidisciplinary understanding of business and economics, along with the necessary ability to reflect, analyze, and solve problems in a complex economic and social context. Through student-focused, research-led, and problem-based academic teaching and learning, students are equipped with a broad range of skills to help swiftly establish themselves in a variety of academic and nonacademic professions and to contribute to the further development of their respective fields.

Students acquire the necessary set of skills and competences through a combination of curricular and extracurricular learning experiences (e.g. cross-cultural competence and social skills courses, “Lernen macht Schule” program).

In keeping with its commitment to quality, WU is constantly evaluating and refining its teaching to best prepare its students for the changing demands placed on decision-makers in business and society.

International aspects also play an important role in WU’s learning environment, for example through guest lecturers or visiting professors from abroad, courses taught in a foreign language, intercultural courses, or international academic offerings on campus.

An important objective is to ensure and further improve teaching quality in the coming years. The main focus will be on measurements to achieve better student-teacher ratios and to develop innovative teaching and learning methods. Moreover, as a responsible university, WU is committed to supporting integrative access to higher education.

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Quality Management