Ein Mann hält ein Papierflugzeug aus einer Weltkarte in die Höhe

Erasmus+ (exchange semester/year)

On this website, you will find information regarding the Erasmus+ grant for an exchange semester.

General information

  • The Erasmus+ grant is a financial support for an exchange stay in one of the 27 EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, and Türkiye.

  • Available for regular WU students who have been allocated an exchange semester spot at an Erasmus+ partner university.

  • Students can complete several funded stays abroad of up to 12 months per study cycle (e.g. bachelor's, master's or doctorate).

  • Mobility to the country of origin is not possible if students usually reside and have their center of life in the neighboring country (including cross-border commuters).

  • During their exchange semester, students need to pay the Students’ Union (ÖH) dues to avoid disenrollment.

Prerequisites & requirements

  • Physical stay at the place of the host institution

  • Duration: at least two full months (60 days)

  • Minimum academic achievement abroad: Students must complete at least 3 ECTS credits per month and have them recognized as curriculum-specific module upon their return to WU. If applicable, confirmation from the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis, master's thesis, or dissertation must be provided.

Important note:

  • The stay abroad should not lead to a loss of study time ("no loss of progress" principle). Therefore, students should complete courses to the extent of 30 ECTS credits per semester. We expect all WU outgoing students to adhere to the requirements of the partner university in terms of minimum and maximum number of courses.

Financial information

Erasmus+ grants do not provide full coverage. They are intended to cover part of the living expenses that students incur during a stay abroad. The following monthly allowances will apply from the winter semester 2023/24 onwards:

CountriesGrant amount/month
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden€520
Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Türkiye, Hungary, Cyprus€470

Eligible students may apply for any or all of the following Erasmus+ Top Ups: 

Support for Travel Cost

Top-Up Individual Support

Inclusion Support

The grant will be paid directly by WU:

80% of the grant will be paid at the beginning, the remaining 20% after the completion of the stay abroad and upon timely submission of all documentation. The grant amount will be calculated on a daily basis.

Payment is made only to the student's own account.

Information regarding the federal study grant (german: Studienbeihilfe)

Which steps are necessary to receive the Erasmus grant?

How do I apply for the pre-recognition notice and the Online Learning Agreement (OLA)?

Travel/health insurance


  • The Erasmus+ Student Charter can be found here. It describes your rights and obligations as well as what you can expect from your home and host university.

When will I receive the first grant installment?

I would like to extend my stay, what should I do?

What should I do before I leave?

What to do after the return?

When will I receive the second grant installment or the remaining installment?

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