Ein Mann hält ein Papierflugzeug aus einer Weltkarte in die Höhe

Credit Transfer and Learning Agreement

Consultation appointments for the semester abroad via Teams

For advice via Teams (online application, credit transfer, learning agreement) make your appointment here.

What do I find in the Credit Transfer Online Database for students?

In the Credit Transfer Online Database you can find courses that have already been recognized. It should give you an initial orientation and help you plan your degree program.  

Attention: These data are only a guideline. It does not constitute a legal claim.

Please note that not all courses are offered every semester at the partner university.  

How does the application process work?

Courses can only be checked via the online application.

We examine whether the competencies completed at PU are comparable to those at WU

The best time to submit the online application depends on your partner university.

Please note the following when completing the online application:

  • Please enter the exact title of the course you would like to attend at the partner university

  • The course at WU must not have been competed positively at WU yet

  • Each WU exam can only be chosen once

  • Upload an proof of ECTS record and a course description for each course

More Info


WU mobility grant

After Your Study abroad


What is the pre-recognition notice?