Ein Mann hält ein Papierflugzeug aus einer Weltkarte in die Höhe

International Experience

As part of the International Business Administration major, an experience abroad is mandatory. This experience abroad must be acquired during the bachelor's degree. In the curriculum BAWISO 2019, the experience abroad is called "IBW international experience" (German: IBW-Auslandserfahrung). In the curriculum BAWISO 2023, you must complete the module "International Experience" (German: Internationale Erfahrung).

Below you will find suitable exchange programs:


FAQs for students enrolled in BAWISO 2019

FAQs for students enrolled in BAWISO 2023


  • Study Regulations & Credit Transfer (German: Studienrecht & Anerkennung) is responsible for credit transfer of courses completed abroad. You can contact them under course.abroad@wu.ac.at.

  • Curriculum BAWISO 2019: Confirmation of the IBW international experience is carried out automatically by the International Office. You can contact us under wuio@wu.ac.at.

  • Curriculum BAWISO 2023: The module "International Experience" is considered completed as soon as 20 ECTS credits have been recognized. These can be accumulated through the exchange programs mentioned above.